
Amazon AWS

Course Duration: - 1.5 Months (1hrs)

Course Contents for AWS Training

1. Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS) & The Cloud

  • What Is Cloud Computing & Advantages of Cloud Computing
  • AWS Architecture and Terminology, AWS Regions and Availability Zones
  • Understanding How AWS is Physically Set Up
  • Understanding How AWS is Physically Set Up
  • (EBS) & Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Understanding VPCs, Understanding RDS
  • Selecting the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements
  • Cloud Service Models, Essential Characteristics & Cloud Computing Deployment Models
  • LAB - Navigate the AWS Management Console

2.   AWS Elastic Compute Cloud- AWS EC2

  • Understanding EC2 Instance Types, The Lifecycle of Instances
  • Storage Options for EC2 Instances & Advanced EC2 Features
  • LAB- Deploying an EC2 Linux and EC2 Windows Instance, Security Groups, Monitoring and Reporting

3. AWS Storage Fundamentals

  • High Level view of AWS Storage Solutions
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Glacier, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon Cloudfront & AWS Storage Gateway
  • Managing Instance Volumes Using EBS, EBS Snapshots and Replication
  • LAB- AWS EBS- Creating and Deleting EBS Volume, Attaching & Detaching EBS Volume and Creating Snapshot etc.

4. AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)

  • AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) Essentials, S3 Bucket/Object Versioning And LifeCycle Policies
  • Moving Objects Into S3, Handling Bucket And Object Permissions, Accessing S3
  • Objects, Protecting Data In S3
  • AWS S3 Concepts & Advanced S3 Features, Hosting A Website In S3
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Amazon CloudFront storage solutions
  • Amazon Glacier - Archives, Vaults, Vaults Locks & Data Retrieval
  • Amazon Glacier versus Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
  • LifeCycling with S3 and Glacier
  • Getting Data into AWS – Snowball and Transfer Acceleration
  • Introduction to CloudFront
  • CORS, Bucket Policies, ACLs, and Encryption
  • LAB- S3 Bucket Policy and Versioning
  • LAB- Enabling S3's LifeCycle feature - Lifecycle Policies
  • LAB- Creating A Static Hosting Website With S3

5. Amazon IAM (Identity and Access Management)

  • Understand the security measures AWS provides and key concepts of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • IAM Best Practices For New Accounts, Building IAM Policies & Using IAM Roles with EC2
  • Active Directory Federation Role
  • Web Identity Federation Role
  • LAB- IAM - Creating and Managing User Access, Creating Users, Roles, and Groups
  • LAB- Logging IAM events on CloudTrail

6. Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) And Networking

  • Introduction To VPC And AWS Networking, AWS Networking Architecture
  • Building Your Own Custom VPC
  • Subnets, Route Tables, Internet Gateways
  • NATs Versus Bastion Hosts
  • Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Option Sets
  • Elastic IP Addresses (EIPs), Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs)
  • Endpoints & VPC Peering
  • Security Groups, Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)
  • Network Address Translation (NAT) Instances and NAT Gateways
  • VPC Peering & VPC Flow Logs
  • Virtual Private Gateways (VPGs), Customer Gateways (CGWs), and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
  • VPC Networking, VPC Security
  • VPC Access Methods & VPC Configuration, Extending The VPC To On-Premise Networks
  • Integrate the VPC with On-Premise-Networks
  • LAB- Building a Virtual Private Cloud from Scratch & Securing Your VPC
  • LAB- Creating a NAT Instance in a VPC
  • LAB- Configuring VPC Peering & Routing Between VPCs

7. AWS Security Fundamentals

  • Understanding AWS Security Measures
  • AWS Shared Responsibility Model
  • AWS Compliance Program
  • AWS Global Infrastructure Security
  • Physical and Environmental Security
  • Layered Security, Security Groups & Network ACLs
  • AWS Reports, Certifications, and Third-Party Attestations
  • AWS Account Security Features
  • AWS Credentials, Passwords
  • Cloud Security Considerations & Security Best Practices for Clouds
  • LAB- Security Group and Network ACLs
  • LAB- Encrypting & Controlling Access to S3; Logging and Auditing Access and Actions

8. Securing Data on AWS

  • Shared Responsibility Model
  • Protecting Data at Rest
  • Protecting Data in Transit
  • Securing Your Operating Systems and Applications
  • How to use IAM to keep your data secure
  • AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (AWS MFA)
  • LAB- MFA (Multifactor Authentication) on Amazon Web Services

9. Database Fundamentals for AWS

  • Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) Overview, Working With RDS
  • Relational Database Service (RDS): Structure, Understanding RDS Multi-AZ Failover
  • RDS Security Groups, Read Replicas with MySQL RDS Across Regions
  • DyamoDB and NoSQL, DynamoDB vs Amazon RDS Database
  • LAB- Setting Up RDS, Multi-AZ, Backups, and Read Replicas
  • LAB - Creating DynamoDB Tables

10. Understanding Backup Options

  • Overview of Backup Services on AWS and Services that Include Backups
  • Managing Backup And Disaster Recovery Processes,
  • Quickly Recovering from Disasters
  • S3 and RDS Backup Options, EBS Options, EC2 Backup Strategies
  • LAB- S3, RDS Backup & EBS Options

11. Load Balancing with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

  • Introduction to ELB, Basic ELB concepts
  • Internet-facing ELBs & VPC-facing ELBs
  • LAB- Elastic Load Balancer Configurations for high availability
  • LAB- SSL on Elastic Load Balancer

12. AWS's Domain Name System

  • Amazon Route 53 Overview
  • Domain Name System (DNS) & Concepts
  • Steps Involved in Domain Name System (DNS) Resolution
  • Record Types & Supported Record Types
  • Domain Registration
  • Domain Name System (DNS) Service
  • Hosted Zones
  • Amazon Route 53 Enables Resiliency
  • Domain name management, Route 53 Web Request Handling, Route53 and DNS Failover
  • Simple Routing Example
  • Weighted and Latency-Based Routing
  • Failover and Geo-Based Routing
  • LAB- Configuring Route 53 from the AWS Management Console
  • LAB- Route 53 Complex Configurations

13. Amazon CloudTrail

  • Amazon CloudTrail Overview, Configuring CloudTrail In The Console
  • LAB- Monitoring CloudTrail Events With CloudWatch

14. Working with Amazon CloudFront

  • Amazon CloudFront Key Concepts And Overview
  • CloudFront architectural considerations, Dynamic Content With CloudFront,
  • Monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch
  • LAB- Creating A Multi-Region CloudFront Solution

15. Understand AWS management tools

  • Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Trusted Advisor
  • Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch and Trusted Advisor
  • LAB- Configuring CloudWatch from the AWS Management Console

16. Active Directory and Amazon Web Services

  • Setting up Simple Active Directory
  • Setting up AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory
  • Active Directory Connector
  • AWS Hybrid Active Directory Environments
  • LAB- Join EC2 Instance to the Domain (Simple AD & AWS AD) Windows

17. High Availability And Fault Tolerant Systems on AWS

  • Designing highly available, cost -efficient, fault-tolerant, scalable systems, Disaster
  • Recovery And Fail-over Strategies
  • Implement DR for systems based on RPO and RTO
  • Implement Elasticity
  • Scaling Vertically & Horizontally
  • AutoScaling vs. Resizing
  • Applying Auto Scaling And ELB To Create High Availability And Fault Tolerance
  • Deploying, managing, and operating scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS
  • LAB- Elastic Load Balancer With High Availability Hands On
  • LAB- Configuring an Auto Scaling Application

18. Monitoring Performance and Availability

  • Creating CloudWatch Alarms to Monitor Amazon EC2 Instances & EBS for Performance and Availability
  • Creating CloudWatch Alarms to Monitor the Elastic Load Balancer for Performance and Availability
  • Creating CloudWatch Alarms to Monitor the RDS for Performance and Availability

19. Troubleshooting

  • EC2 Troubleshooting Scenarios
  • VPC Troubleshooting Scenarios
  • ELB Troubleshooting Scenarios
  • Auto Scaling Troubleshooting Scenarios
  • LAB- Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

20. Application Services

  • Introduction to the Simple Queue Service (SQS)
  • Introduction to the Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  • Hands-on with SNS
  • Example of Using SQS and SNS
  • Introduction to the Simple Workflow Service (SWF)
